
  • 1-Link

    1-Link provides an electronic trading platform bringing together suppliers and purchasers within the automotive sector.

  • AA

    The Automobile Association was created by people like you – keen drivers who just wanted fair treatment.

    Not much has changed on that front since June 1905, when four driving enthusiasts banded together in London to form the AA. From day one our goal has been exactly the same: to protect you, the motorist, and put your interests first.

    With over 15 million members from the original 90, it's fair to say we've grown a bit; in fact, we're now the UK's largest motoring organisation, still going strong over a century later. From setting up our first motorbike patrols to piloting 'connected cars', we've got a unique history of embracing new technology and innovations to better serve you.

  • ATA

    The Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA) is a trade qualification for all facets of automotive repair in the United Kingdom. It is a voluntary scheme similar to that for electricians run by the NICEIC.

  • Britannia Rescue

    Britannia Rescue is one of the foremost names in breakdown coverage in the UK

  • Green Flag

    Green Flag is different from the AA and the RAC. We don't have a fleet of branded vans, but efficiently utilise a nationwide network of over 2,300 vehicles and mechanics to rescue our customers when they break down. We manage each and every breakdown from operational centres, sending help wherever it’s needed across the UK.

  • RMI

    The Retail Motor Industry Federation represents the interests of motor industry operators in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, providing sales and services to motorists and businesses.

  • Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency

    We carry out driving tests, approve people to be driving instructors and MOT testers, carry out tests to make sure lorries and buses are safe to drive, carry out roadside checks on drivers and vehicles, and monitor vehicle recalls.

  • Good Garage Scheme

    Looking for a local garage you can trust for a car service, MOT or car repair? Using the Good Garage Scheme, you can find a garage near you. Be assured that every garage listed performs services to a strict Code of Conduct and will always have your best interests at heart.

  • VBRA

    VBRA is the lead Trade Association for Vehicle Body Building, CV, Car Body and SMART repair. It is a consumer friendly, member driven organisation structured to best represent and assist its members within their sectors, in the UK and Europe and in their interaction with their customers.

  • National Highway Sector Schemes

    National Highways Sector Schemes (NHSS) are bespoke quality management systems for organisations working on the UK road network.

  • Checkatrade

    Our members are proud to be part of, and they stand by their work. To show their commitment to service and quality, every single member has agreed to uphold The Checkatrade Standard.

© Beauley Motor Services - 2025